
Migraine Symptoms, Diagnosis and Treatment-Exclusive and Epic

A migraine is a headache which causes excruciating, pounding pain, generally on one side of the head. Migraine symptoms include nausea, vomiting, and extreme sensitivity to light and sound. It might last for hours to days, and it is so painful that it interferes with daily activities. Some people get warning symptoms known as migraine aura before the headache. Migraine aura includes visual disturbances, like flashes of light or blind spots. Migraine aura includes visual disturbances, like flashes of light…

Bipolar Disorder, Bipolar Disorder symptoms-Best Expert Info

Bipolar disorder is a mental health condition causing extreme mood swings. It was earlier known as manic depression. There are generally two stages in this disorder, high (mania or hypomania) and lows (depression). Bipolar disorder symptoms could observe during the high state when one might feel full of energy or euphoric or during the depression phase when one feels hopeless and loses interest in most activities. This mental disorder shows significant mood swings. Bipolar I and bipolar II both have…

Treatments for depression – Know It All – A Complete Guide

There are many treatments available for people with depression. These treatments can reduce the symptoms and shorten the time frame of depressive disorder. There are medications, and therapies and your mental health professional can determine which treatment is best for you depending upon the severity. The treatment could include medicine or therapies or both depending upon what your doctor thinks is better. Antidepressant medicines treat depression. They try to improve levels of certain chemicals that control your mood.

15 Depression Symptoms and causes-Practical, Reliable info

Depression is not your Monday blues. It is more than feeling sad. During the depression, persistent sad or withdrawn feelings can last for weeks or months. It could become a serious health condition when it is recurrent and its’ intensity is severe. The worst thing is, that it leads to suicide. More than 700000 people commit suicide every year. There are effective treatments for mental disorders such as depression and with the right treatment and support a full recovery is…

Alcohol And Anxiety: Ultimate Guide for anxiety disorders

Alcohol acts as a sedative and depressant by affecting CNS. In the beginning, it may seem that alcohol is helping you to cope with your troubles. It might make you relax and give a similar effect to antianxiety medication. Once the drinking becomes regular, your body builds tolerance towards the de-stressing effects of alcohol. Drinking alcohol increases your blood alcohol content and creates a temporary sense of excitement. As soon as the blood alcohol content level drops depression and anxiety…

How to Diagnose and Treat Anxiety- An exclusive guide

Diagnosing and treating anxiety is a bit difficult as the exact cause is unknown. Factors, like genetic factors, environmental factors, brain functions, etc., play a vital role. Hence, we must diagnose and treat anxiety-related issues as soon as possible. Once diagnosis confirms anxiety, doctors can help you with a treatment option. It is not necessary to be medical treatment always. Simple lifestyle changes also could help one with the symptoms. Treatment can be divided into two categories: psychotherapy and medication.

Anxiety and Symptoms – Types of Anxiety Disorders, Signs and 13 Symptoms

Anxiety and symptoms change with people. It is essential to know the ways anxiety can represent itself. When stressed, anxiety is our body's natural response to it. It is a feeling of fear about future events. Anxiety could be a part of the parcel of life these days. But if one has intense, excessive, persistent worry about everyday situations, this could be an anxiety disorder. If normal anxiety become overwhelming with significant worry, distress, or fear, it becomes an anxiety…